I tried to call you from a payphone last night. I put my doner card in by mistake, it cost me an arm and a leg!
I tried to call you from a payphone last night. I put my doner card in by mistake, it cost me an arm and a leg! You should know what it takes to look this cheap! You have the ones that think and you have the ones that do things. The worst kind are those who think that they are doing things. You with your beautiful eyes, you with your nice hair, you with your fantastic body … o, sorry, wrong number. Hey can u do me a favour, take a pic of urself n send me it, i’m playin cards n i’m missin the joker!! Hey friend remember dat without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no beauty… so the world needs YOU after all! Jesus says to John come forth ill give you eternal life. John came fifth he won a toaster A girl phoned me the other day and said…”Come on over, there’s nobody home.” I went over. Nobody was home |
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